Town of Westwood, MA
Home MenuRules of Conduct
Rules of Conduct:
All participants must meet the age/grade requirement of the program. In addition all participants shall independently or with the provision of reasonable accommodations:
- Understand and follow program rules
- Be able to communicate basic health and safety needs ·
- Conduct themselves in a manner that upholds the safety of themselves, other participants, and staff
- Be able to participate in the activities of the program
- Engage in scheduled activities for the majority of the time – participation will be encouraged and aided, but not forced
- Follow directions from supervisors and staff.
- Remain within the supervised area.
- Transition from one activity to another willingly and within a reasonable amount of time.
- Show respect to all participants and staff
- Show respect to equipment, supplies and facilities
- Refrain from unwanted, inappropriate or harmful physical contact
- Refrain from abusive, threatening or foul language
- Refrain from destruction/theft of property and personal belongings
Westwood Recreation programs support people with disabilities and health conditions by making reasonable accommodations in compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (Title II).
A positive approach will be used in behavior management. Staff will model good behavior and will review and reinforce rules and expectations with participants on a regular basis. If a participant exhibits unsafe and/or inappropriate behavior, staff will assist the participant in the modification of behavior; for example, providing a participant with choices which will promote appropriate behavior and communicating with participant’s caregivers as necessary.
Behaviors which may warrant immediate removal (either temporarily or permanently ) from a program include: acts or threats of violence, actions that threaten the health or safety of the participant, other participants or staff; bullying; the theft or destruction of Town property, or any other person’s property. Removal from a program will be at the sole discretion of Westwood Recreation Director.