Westwood GIS

A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a digital mapping system used for the creation, storage, and maintenance of geographic (spatial) data. The data is organized in layers and can be used for analysis and mapping for Town projects. Examples of GIS data layers include base mapping (roads, buildings, water bodies, etc), utilities (water lines, sewer system, street lights), and Assessors tax parcels.

Our goal is to provide the most accurate and up to date spatial data possible for town departments and residents. We are responsible for both updating and maintaining GIS data, as well as providing assistance on using GIS, and a wide range of analysis and cartographic functions within the town.

Westwood provides access to online mapping tools. Some of these tools include a dynamic mapping application that can be customized to include or exclude data layers, a cemetery viewer, the Veteran 's Memorial Park brick locator, and a neighborhood services application that can be used to find points of interest in Westwood.  There is also a library of pre made printable maps.  Please use the following links to access the data.