How much notice is required when requesting an inspection?
Typically, the Building Department will respond to an inspection request within 24 hours and complete the inspection within 48 hours after that. However, due to a heavy number of inspection requests and the varying complexity/timing of inspections, this timeline may change. The Building Code has specific requirements for inspection requests on certain items (manufactured buildings for instance). Plan on giving 24-48 hours notice when requesting an inspection. The Building Department will let you know of a more specific schedule when the request is made.
How is a request for inspection made?
Requests for inspections should be called in to the Westwood Building Department office at (781) 320-1091. Requests should be made 24-48 hours ahead of the desired inspection date. Do not call for an inspection the same day, as these requests will not be honored.
Is a Certificate of Occupancy always issued?
For new construction, or a change of use (total renovation of existing space), yes. If there is a small renovation inside a space that already has a Certificate of Occupancy in place, a new one may not be issued. Each project is unique and will be addressed on a case by case basis.
How long after an application for Permit is submitted will a Permit be issued?
The Building Department has 30 working-days in which to review an application and issue or deny a Permit. The actual time can vary from 1 day up to the maximum 30 day limit, depending on the number of applications already under review and the complexity of the project. Should additional documents, revisions to the application, or changes in the proposed work be required, the 30 working-day period shall restart.
When should the Permit Fee be paid?
A deposit of $50 is required with each residential application, and 50% of the Permit fee with each commercial application, for a Building Permit. The balance of the fee is paid at the time the Permit is picked up. Electrical, mechanical, plumbing, sprinkler, and gas Permit fees are usually paid in full at the time the application is submitted.
Does someone have to be at the project site during a Building Department inspection?
We ask that a representative be on site during an inspection to facilitate access, review the work being inspected, discuss any items which may be deficient, and answer questions that the Building Inspector may have. For inspections performed on plumbing, electrical, mechanical, etc., someone associated with that work should be on site.
Can work begin once the Permit application is submitted?
No. Work cannot begin until the Permit has been issued. Working without the appropriate Permits can lead to penalties and fines.
How much notice is required when requesting an inspection?
Typically, the Building Department will respond to an inspection request within 24 hours and complete the inspection within 48 hours after that. However, due to a heavy number of inspection requests and the varying complexity/timing of inspections, this timeline may change. The Building Code has specific requirements for inspection requests on certain items (manufactured buildings for instance). Plan on giving 24-48 hours notice when requesting an inspection. The Building Department will let you know of a more specific schedule when the request is made.
Will I be notified when the Building Permit is ready to be issued, or should I call to find out the status?
The applicant listed on the application will be called when the Building Permit is issued. If we are unable to reach them by telephone, they will be notified by mail or e-mail. When the Building Permit is ready, it must be picked up, by the applicant, at the Building Department.
If I disagree with the decision of the Building Inspector or Building Commissioner, what can I do?
If the disagreement cannot be resolved, an appeal can be filed with the State Board of Building Regulations and Standards, using the same application used for a variance. This can be found at the Building Department's office, or here.
What is the "Stretch Code"?
The Massachusetts Stretch Energy Code consists of the 2009 International Energy Conservation Code with Massachusetts amendments. Several municipalities in Massachusetts have adopted this code to require that more energy efficient buildings be constructed in their jurisdictions.
If a project falls under the umbrella of Construction Control, does the Building Department still have to perform inspections?
Yes, the Building Department will still inspect the work even if a project is under Construction Control. When a Building Permit is issued for a project, the required inspections will be indicated.
I am a design professional not registered in Massachusetts. Can I provide services for a project in Westwood?
The Town of Westwood Building Department will only accept professional services provided by individuals licensed in Massachusetts. Information on becoming a Massachusetts-licensed engineer can be found here, and information about becoming a Massachusetts-registered architect can be found here.
Does a Building Permit cover all the work on a project? Are separate plumbing, electrical, mechanical, etc. permits required?
A Building Permit only covers the general construction portions of a project. Each trade must apply for and be granted their own permit. These permits must be applied for by individuals with licensed to do such work (electricians, plumbers, etc.). Sprinkler permits are also issued by the Building Department, not the Westwood Fire Department. Trade permits must be issued prior to the start of work; having applied for a permit does not give a contractor the OK to start work.
How and when is a project issued a Certificate of Occupancy?
The Westwood Building Department has established a detailed procedure for obtaining a Certificate of Occupancy for commercial construction projects. This will usually consist of a number of inspections as well as the submission of several documents. Depending on what type, how large, and how complex a project is will determine what documents will be required. Not all projects will be issued a Certificate of Occupancy; this will be determined by the Building Department prior to the issuance of a Building Permit.
What is the penalty for working without a Building or Trade Permit when one is required?
At the minimum, a Permit would need to be obtained, and TRIPLE the normal permit fee would be assessed. Section 114.3 of the Massachusetts State Building Code also allows for a fine of up to $1000.00 per day. If work requiring inspections is covered or buried, it would be required to be uncovered for inspection, and if any work is in violation of the Building Code or Zoning Bylaw, it will be required to be corrected. Failure to obtain a Permit may jeopardize insurance coverage on a property, or the ability to obtain Permits in the future.
What if something is not covered in the Building Code?
In that unlikely situation, the Building Inspector has the authority to approve or disapprove the proposed methods of construction and other aspects of the proposed work.
How does one apply for a Building Permit?
Applications can be obtained at the Building Department or here. Contact information for the Building Department can be found here, and much more information can be found through the Building Department’s website.
Is a permit required to perform demolition work?
A Permit is required to perform demolition work. This document lists what items must be included with a Permit application in order to successfully apply for a Demolition Permit.
What is "Construction Control"?
Construction Control is a program established in the Massachusetts State Building Code which aids building departments in the oversight of large or complex construction projects. More information can be found on the Massachusetts Office of Public Safety and Security’s website.